Place Toulouse, France | Duration 2009-2014 |
Project Manager Institut Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse – Oncopole / SNC LAVALIN CARDETE & HUET | Amount 180M euros |
Construction of the University Cancer Clinic in Toulouse, a specific multi-partner hospital that brings together institutions and players in public and private cancer research to share innovative tools and methods of care in the fight against cancer. Oncopole is now a European-scale research center located on the symbolic site of the AZF explosion. The center covers 220 hectares and includes the innovation and development, training, public research, private research, and IUCT (Toulouse University Cancer Institute) Oncopole clusters.
Solution: eProject EDM & FMI
eProject has been set up for document exchange, financial management and RPO management. The platform allows the establishment of statements, their transmission and the management of visas necessary for their settlement. The financial management is complex with revisable subcontracts and multiple advances and a management of the holdback and the sureties by rider.
The use of electronic data interchange systems and your eProject tool has become almost indispensable, especially on large projects such as the University Cancer Clinic. Within the framework of our OPC mission, it allows us to have a good follow-up of the distribution of documents, of the status of validations… The financial module simplifies enormously the management of situations. The reserve management module was very useful for this operation where the number of reserves exceeded 100,000.
You were able to make the few improvements requested to adapt it to our specific needs. During these 4 years, Formi has proven its reliability and the few bugs inherent to the computer system have been dealt with without delay.
R.L – Coordination Unit – SNC LAVALIN CARDETE & HUET
Quality of the tool: It is the ideal tool for the different owners (project owner and project manager). Today there is some competition for this type of computerized financial management (GFI) but to date and having used others, I consider the FORMI company’s tool to be the one that has given me the greatest satisfaction, particularly on the following essential points Ergonomics: Easy to use, read and understand information. The display of information is pleasant. The information is correctly ordered. Contract management: It is the responsibility of the project manager to his client (MO) to financially manage the contracts. The eProject tool includes all the parameters allowing the financial management of the various contracts (case by case) while leaving almost total flexibility to the EPC user thanks to the integration of the various contracts with all the parameters that it includes (ranging from the management of co-contractors in separate account through the integration of complex revision formula, the management of the SO, Amendments and Decision to continue to the management of different VAT, etc.. ); Definition of the process of the various stages of validation (both on the various approvers and on the duration of validation of each one including paymaster); Respect of the legal procedures of the CCAG and the Code of Public Contracts. Quality and time saving: It is today an essential tool for the project management to check the monthly settlement proposals, especially on large contracts. Indeed, it is always difficult to manage contracts with a multitude of subcontractors, some of which can be revised with different formulas, etc. This brings us a certain serenity and a significant saving of time compared to a traditional treatment. Reliability: The different information and calculations made by this platform are of high quality and therefore very reliable, especially for the management of the contract itself, but also for the management of the subcontractors’ payment follow-up.
Quality of the tool administrator team: Not only has this GFI system given us complete satisfaction, but the platform administrator team has been brilliant and undeniably efficient. Indeed, they were always at our side throughout the project (which lasted more than 4 years) to solve our problems or to adapt this financial module to the sometimes particular requirements of the MO.
F.P – MAZET & Associés