Private hospital of Grand Narbonne

The new private hospital of Greater Narbonne will bring together in the new ZAC of Montredon-des-Corbières a large Health Center for Narbonne and the surrounding communities. The eProject solution is used by AIA architects for the dematerialization of situations and financial management of the project.
Place Narbonne, FranceDuration 2018-2021
Project Manager AIA ARCHITECTES / ELSAN / SNC ICADE Promotion TertiaireAmount 42M euros


Anchored in the new ZAC of Montredon-des-Corbières within the Pôle Santé, the future private hospital aims to offer the population of the Aude region easy access to care. The activities of the Polyclinic Le Languedoc will move to this new site located 10km away to regroup the care activities on a single pole by mid-2021. AIA designers have imagined́ the future modern Private Hospital designed to accommodate the new technologies of tomorrow’s medicine. ELSAN, a leading private hospitalization group, agrees with Narbonne City Council and the Greater Narbonne Agglomeration for the realization of this large-scale project in the Region. Our platform will be mobilized within the framework of the construction of buildings relating to the field of the Health, including the Private Hospital/Clinic perimeter (23 000 m ²) and the Consultation House perimeter (4 600 m ²)

Solution: eProject FIM

AIA Life Designers required the implementation of an electronic tracking and financial management service. eProject allows the dematerialization of situations for projects carried out by AIA and its teams.